About Us
Carl Murphy is a fully qualified plumbing and heating engineer with over 30 years experience in the trade, assuring you peace of mind on every installation. Ridgeway Plumbing & Heating cover everything from small pipework repairs to full central heating systems and bathroom installations. Along with being fully wualified in the plumbing department, Carl is Gas Safe and also one of the few OFTEC registered engineering in the area, which means he is legally qualified to install and register Gas combination boilers, LPg boilers and Oil boilers, he is also qualified to service and sign off Mobile home boilers and Catering vans. Carl is recognised by the institute of plumbing, aswell as a Ciphe approved installer, to ensure that extra peace of mind.

Shower Rooms
Unvented Hot Water
Systems Pumps & Valves
Power Flusing
Underfloor Heating

Gas Fires
Combination Boilers
All Servicing

All Servicing
Fired heating equipment